My second game of Operation Goulash seem the lead elements of British armour going up against elements of the
Arrow Cross.
At a 1000pts my Armoured Reconnaissance company was stretched thin across two objectives, and heavily outnumbered.
Fascists advance on the left and right - and hide in yellow building |
From the start, the game balanced on a knife edge, with I unwilling to commit fully to any one objective or able to take advantage of my mobility,
Arrow Cross blackshirts take cover in a wood under machinegun fire |
I attempted to lure and skewer the StuGs (my main worry) with my scouting Cromwells, but succeeded in only attracting the Hungarian artillery.
And exchanging a few long ranged shots to no effect |
Meanwhile, on another table, the main British armoured column ran into a StuG company... |
On my right, my smaller platoon and HQ platoon bombarded the infantry holed up in the yellow building, while taking fire from supporting German aircraft.
In the heart of the action the StuGs re-positioned and brought the pain to 1st platoon...
Killing two in exchange for one of their own. |
The flanking infantry manged to finish off the platoon, who were bailed and vulnerable, protected only by the IC in a tetrarch. He managed to put up quite a fight, but was eventually blown up by with a panzershrek. They really should have redeployed...
Oops... |
As it turns out, I would have lost anyway, as you can now put yourself out of good spirits by having a platoon out of command, so even if I had won the assault, I would have failed my formation last stand anyway. Something to remember for the future.
The captured flaktrack burns as my line collapses |
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